Command line options and DDE commands
Command line options
-cursor line:columnLocate cursor at "line" and "column".
-d directoryStartup directory.
-eLoad a file into an existing instance of EditPlus.
-i directoryINI file directory.
-nCreates a new document.
-pPrints a file.
-pi project_iniSpecifies different project configuration file instead of project_u.ini.
-pr projectSelects a project.
-rOpens a file as read-only.
-s directorySyntax directory.
-t FileTypeSet the file type. "FileType" must be one of the descriptions of file types on Settings & Syntax page of the Preferences dialog box.
-uDo not add the file name to the Recent Files list.
-wDo not load saved workspace.
-wd directoryDirectory to save the workspace.
-m Run minimized.
-sel begin:endSelects text from "begin" position to "end" position.

DDE commands
[activate]Activates EditPlus.
[cursor("line:column")]Locate cursor at "line" and "column".
[open("file")]Opens a file.
[open_nomru("file")]Opens a file without adding the file name to the Recent Files list.
[open_read("file")]Opens a file as read-only.
[print("file")]Prints a file.
[type("FileType")]Sets the file type. See "-t" command line option.
[sel("begin:end")]Selects text from "begin" position to "end" position. See "-sel" command line option.

DDE Service: editplus.exe
DDE Topic: system

No spaces allowed in DDE commands.